Kategorie: English


Enemy: Explanation (analysis and interpretation)

Although Denis Villeneuves Enemy is strictly composed and each scene and sentence is semantically loaded on a deeper level, a rational, coherent interpretation of the film is hardly possible. For this he plays too much with the non-fulfillment of the spectator’s need for a complete solution. But most of the parts of this puzzle can be explained and combined into a meaningful picture.  Chris Stuckman has already worked the cornerstones of a plausible reading in his analysis. Enemy is about a man who is unfaithful to his wife, but returns to her with remorse. He has ambitions to become an...


Fight Club: Suffering as a condition of progression

As so often, Slavoj Žižek is right when he says that the real issue of Fight Club is not resistance, but the fact that one has to suffer in order to reach consciousness and freedom. Freedom in late capitalism means first of all taking what is in the way of freedom (“Only after we have lost everything, we have the freedom to do everything”). One must be able to dispense with ideological accumulation and not to define itself over material possessions. Possession was the self of the protagonist, so he had to blast it up in order to reform his...